Monday, March 21, 2016



We offer an extremely simple method that will rid you of the root cause of all your dissatisfaction with life and the painful yearning for peace and fulfillment that never seems to be fully satisfied. We promise you that if you will just try to do what we suggest here, you will succeed and, in time, your relationship with your own life will change forever.


Move the focus of your attention away from this text for a moment and place it on the feel of your breath as it moves in and out of your body through your nose.
Focus on the sensation it causes as it passes across the flesh of your nostrils on the way out. You may find it easier to do this with your eyes closed.
Take 1 minute now to try this for yourself, and then return here and continue reading.
You can see from what you just did that it is relatively easy to direct your attention and focus it on any sensation you choose.


Now, in the same way that you directed your attention to the feeling of your breath in your nostrils, move the focus of attention inward, looking for the faint sensation of what it feels like to be you. What you would call me.
What you are looking for here is the simple me-ness of you. Not the thoughts that pass through you, or the emotions that play within you, or the sensations that rise and fall within you, or any ideas about your nature that you have heard or read about. You are merely that which is always here. Everything else—thought, emotion, sensation—comes and goes in you.


There is no Step 3! Nothing more needs to be done now. This simple act of inward looking at your me-ness, the sensation that you call me, will automatically dissolve the background of anxiety, distrust and dissatisfaction that is the experience of life for most of us.
There is no need to try and stay there, or rest in yourself there. The moment of looking is very brief—so brief that you will hardly notice it.
You can do this simple act of looking at yourself in whatever manner works for you, whenever it occurs to you to do so.

In the next few days or weeks, you may experience relief and lightness, a sense that all is really well. Enjoy it!

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