Monday, March 21, 2016

WoW Na WoW

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.” 

LiNuNg Ag

"Ang Linung ag" nakasuway ka naba sa susama ni ini nga pama agui sa panglung ag? matud pa sa uban lami jud ang bugas nga guiloto sa kalayo sa abuhan,taparan dayon ang baga sa kilid og bulad nga lawlaw.Kinabuhing Bukidnon.

BukiDnOn'S BeAuTy.

“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.”


CaTcH Me WheN I FaLL

You see a child play, and it is so close to seeing an artist paint, for in play a child says things without uttering a word. You can see how he solves his problems. You can also see what's wrong. Young children, especially, have enormous creativity, and whatever's in them rises to the surface in free play.

AnXiEtY To JoY

From Anxiety to JoyPeter and Vera Duggan

When I was a child I was not happy because I had very strict parents who robbed me of all my freedom. I was a very freedom-loving boy and I felt so totally restricted in a family that never could and never would understand me. There was a lot of psychological cruelty handed out to me by my father and a hell of a lot of bullying I was subjected to by the other kids. I came from a very rough part of London called Peckham, and I was an extremely sensitive young lad.
When I grew up, I married a beautiful Australian girl named Vera, who is still my beloved wife after fifty years. We emigrated to Australia, and after about three months, I decided to join the army, and I volunteered to go to Vietnam, so I could pay back the kindness that the Australians had shown me by receiving me in their beautiful country.
I served in Vietnam for about nine and a half months, then they decided to ship me back to Australia because of injuries and illness. When I came back, my troubles all started, and I developed PTSD, even though I had not really been in much danger during my days of war. I was filled with a terrible anxiety, and was absolutely terrified of both life and death. I had these periods of deep, deep dread that completely ruled my life. I was angry most of the time, and I detested everybody I ever met, with a vengeance so hard to understand.
This got worse and worse as the years proceeded, and I tried everything to control it, from counseling to reading every kind of self-help books, and I read every religion, and all the stuff by so many different spiritual teachers, until I had a bookcase brim-filled with all the books I had read. I tried every kind of meditation, plus yoga, tai chi, and many other things. However, nothing worked. They helped a bit but not enough to stop the ugly terror I felt.
Then, one day, I came across a man named John Sherman on the net, who has helped so many people, and thousands of people now practice what he advocates with much success.
John told me that all I had to do was close my eyes and look at the me-ness of me, it was as simple as that. At first I laughed at him, with his simplistic approach to gaining back one's sanity. But I was desperate; I had walked out on my wife for a year and given everything I had away. My anger was getting worse and worse, and when I finally came back to my family, I really wasn't worth being with. My wife tolerated me because she loved me so totally, but I could tell that I was leading her into psychological, physical illness.
So I gave John's method a try. I meditated every day using my me-ness as a meditation point. I don't mean my thoughts or sensations, emotions or such. I mean the 'me', the part of me that actually runs the show. The 'me' that always seems hidden but is always there in the background. I noticed some changes in me very quickly, but then the progress became slower, but very steady. Now I have been doing this for nearly five years, and the difference in me is phenomenal. I am so happy now, that I could almost scream with joy. I have no more anxiety, and the dread that once debilitated me is totally gone.
My neurotic fear of death has faded. And although I don't want to die, when it comes, I will be totally ready for it. My life is so beautiful these days and everything seems so beautiful, and crystal clear. These days I walk on feather feet, and I am so grateful to John and his wife Carla for what they gave to me. I really want to share this with anyone who cares to listen.
You would not believe how beautiful my life is these days. Thank you for reading, all you who reached the end of this story. I hope it helps you as it most certainly helped me...
Peter Duggan - Perth, Australia - December 23, 2013



We offer an extremely simple method that will rid you of the root cause of all your dissatisfaction with life and the painful yearning for peace and fulfillment that never seems to be fully satisfied. We promise you that if you will just try to do what we suggest here, you will succeed and, in time, your relationship with your own life will change forever.


Move the focus of your attention away from this text for a moment and place it on the feel of your breath as it moves in and out of your body through your nose.
Focus on the sensation it causes as it passes across the flesh of your nostrils on the way out. You may find it easier to do this with your eyes closed.
Take 1 minute now to try this for yourself, and then return here and continue reading.
You can see from what you just did that it is relatively easy to direct your attention and focus it on any sensation you choose.


Now, in the same way that you directed your attention to the feeling of your breath in your nostrils, move the focus of attention inward, looking for the faint sensation of what it feels like to be you. What you would call me.
What you are looking for here is the simple me-ness of you. Not the thoughts that pass through you, or the emotions that play within you, or the sensations that rise and fall within you, or any ideas about your nature that you have heard or read about. You are merely that which is always here. Everything else—thought, emotion, sensation—comes and goes in you.


There is no Step 3! Nothing more needs to be done now. This simple act of inward looking at your me-ness, the sensation that you call me, will automatically dissolve the background of anxiety, distrust and dissatisfaction that is the experience of life for most of us.
There is no need to try and stay there, or rest in yourself there. The moment of looking is very brief—so brief that you will hardly notice it.
You can do this simple act of looking at yourself in whatever manner works for you, whenever it occurs to you to do so.

In the next few days or weeks, you may experience relief and lightness, a sense that all is really well. Enjoy it!

Bryt jUd Ni C TaTaY

Son:Tay saan po nagmula ang mga tao?

Tatay: Kay adan at eba anak, nagmamahalan sila kaya nakabuo sila ng mga tao.. Sunod na araw kay nanay naman nagtanong ang anak...son: nay, san ba nagmula ang mga tao?Nanay: sa unggoy anak..nag evolve sila para maging tao..Son: tay bat sabi mo kay adam at eba nagmula ang mga tao?tapos sabi n nanay sa unggoy daw, nalilito na ako!Tatay: anak si adan at si eba, sa father side mo yun...yung sinabi niya eh sa mother side mo yun..

Sunday, March 20, 2016

God's Love

It is God's desire to pour His presence, His goodness, His joy, and His healing power over you but you must not simply wait---instead you must pour your heart out to Him in worship & seeking. This is a time when God is stirring His people to seek Him---go after his presence. If we will POUR ourselves out at His feet, then He will POUR HIMSELF out upon us. As we seek Him a lot of religious thinking, actions and attitudes are being shaken and shattered. For those in a comfort zone---the Holy Spirit is saying: Wake Up and Get Out!!!! This is no longer a moment of "normal" or complacent living. God is pouring over this generation and igniting a mighty fire to touch the world. The fire begins at His feet!!! Let's pour out and allow Him to pour in. Love & Blessings Friend.

South Pangantucan siteo malapinggan Province of Bukidnon

“And if these mountains had eyes, they would wake to find two strangers in their fences, standing in admiration as a breathing red pours its tinge upon earth's shore. These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises, long to thunder praise but stand reverent, silent so that man's weak praise should be given God's attention.” 

Friday, March 18, 2016

AnG MaG UuMa.

"Sa Kabukiran"
Didto sa layong bukid
May payag kami nga gamay
Kaming nagpuyo didto
Si tatay lang ug si nanay
Ang among trabaho
Manguha lang ug bagakay
Gam-on ug nigo, gam-on ug nigo
Pabaylo-a’g humay
Among gitanum-tanum
Saging ug kamoting kahoy
Walay la-ing trabaho
Kay pobreng makalolooy
Ang among kalipay
Awit lang sa mga siloy
Ug dinuyugan, ug dinuyugan
Sa hinoyohoy
Sa matag Dominggo
Molugsong kami’g mosimba
Mag-ampo sa Ginoo
Aron hataga’g grasya
Unya pagkahuman
Sa tyanggihan kami mamahaw
Ang dala namong mga balanghoy
Pabaylo-a’g buwad nga law-law
Bukid nanganaw-kanaw
Sayo namong tungason
Aron dili hi-abtan
Sa pagsalop sa adlaw
Mao kini matuod
Kinabuhing bukidnon
Tumang kakabus among naangkon

Bisa’g timawa malipayon.

SaG Ob

Basta tubig sa gripo na galing mawala mao jud ning kasagaran buhaton sa mga bata, mu adto sa na i spring or sa adunay atabay aron makakuha og tubig para magamit sa panimalay. kapoy kung buot huna huna on peru kung mga uban na galing sa mga ka berks perting lipaya kung sugo on.

"AnG HiLaS NiMoNg DaGwAy"

Ang hilas nimong dagwayNag latay latay sa sa utok kung nagpahulaykung makita nako imong makalagot na dagwaytibook nakong adlaw nahugway,Pero wala ko kabantaytungod sa imong hilas na panagwayakong kasing kasing murag gi lumay,Ang imong panagway akong gipangitana murag batang laawna nagtan-aw tan-aw sahilas nimong dagway ,Pero hinay hinay kung nahigugma sa imo,ang akong gi pangayodungga ang akong gugma,Pero ni katawa kaog nakahilak kokay ni ingon ka na

" Gi higugma pod taka , dugay ra "

Sa KaBuKiRaN

WoW ra jud akong ma ingon kay bisan unsaon da best jud sud ongon.

Ang kinabuhing Bukidnon.

Kung sud ongon nimu kini nga panimalay medyo budlay og layo ra kaayo sa gui ingon nga haruhay. peru wala ta nasayod nga ang nagpuyo dri puno d i  sa kalipay. ang panglantaw sa matag usa dli susama, ang  uban gusto makabaton sa daghang butang  peru kini cla maka kaon lang katulo sa usa ka adlaw, maka dimdim og fighter gamay sulbad nah...